Project Desciption
As part of the remediation plan requirements of an EPA Superfund Site near Erie, Pennsylvania the contractor had to demonstrate that site operations did not impact ambient air quality beyond the site boundaries. To ensure the remediation plan was being met, ambient air measurements were conducted at multiple locations along the site perimeter using EPA Ambient Air Monitoring methods per 40 CFR 51. Total particulate and PM10 samples were collected at the site perimeter throughout the project and analyzed for toxic metals as defined by RCRA regulations, plus metals of specific interest for the site. Through an extensive and thorough ambient air monitoring program, including real-time meteorological monitoring the public exposure to toxic metals from site operations was maintained below measurable values.
Air and Soil Monitoring
Monitoring Process
In order to determine fenceline concentrations of metals and particulates, five PM10samplers and two TSP samplers were located at strategic locations around the facility. A weather station was installed to collect met data during the sampling events and to determine subsequent locations of the samplers after the initial sampling event.
Three PM10samplers were placed downwind of the anticipated fugitive sources, one upwind, and the final sampler was placed near the rebar truck loading area. In order to obtain data on total particulate concentrations, the two TSP samplers were co-located with the PM10 samplers expected to receive the highest concentration of particulates and metals. The upwind PM10 sampler was installed in the most appropriate location based on the anticipated wind direction in order to quantify background concentrations of PM10and metals.
Filters from the PM10and TSP sampling units were analyzed for PM10or TSP, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel, phosphorus, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc after each sampling event.
Work Scope
Specific tasks that were performed by BioLargo’s Engineering team included:
- All tasks completed on time and within budget.
- All project deliverables completed on schedule.
- After all sampling events were complete, an engineering report was prepared documenting sampling results and methodology.