Project Description
A recent example of BioLargo Engineering’s Air Pollution Control feasibility experience is a project meant to control emissions from a specialty chemical manufacturing plant in New Jersey. The plant uses numerous organic solvents in their phenolic resin production process. This project was initiated because of the client’s obligation to comply with Federal Maximum Achievable Control Technology regulations. The client’s production area includes a number of vents coming from different products and from different parts of the processes.
CategoryFeasibility Study
Feasibility Study Process
BioLargo Engineering worked with the client to determine the types and quantities of emissions, which in some cases required our personnel to sample and analyze the emissions from the process vents. Most of the processes were batch, requiring process engineering knowledge to ensure proper coordination and representative test results. We then conducted a feasibility study to determine the best method(s) to control emissions, including evaluations of scrubbers or control devices for individual outlets to various combinations of outlets. The evaluation included removal efficiencies, capital costs, operating costs, safety, operation, maintenance, and other factors.
The feasibility study for the specialty chemical manufacturing client recommended a single treatment technology to collectively control organic emissions. A critical part of the evaluation were safety considerations for flammability, explosivity, and potential interaction of the various chemicals being emitted. BioLargo Engineering has significant experience in this area resulting from multiple projects involving the collection, treatment and disposal of hazardous organic waste streams and the remediation of numerous Superfund sites.
Work Scope
Specific tasks that were performed by BioiLargo’s Engineering team included:
- Developed a process design for a system to collect vent emissions while maintaining control of organic concentrations below explosive levels. The system design included a number of safety devices and interlocks.
- Conducted a Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) on the system. BioLargo Engineering personnel performed key roles on the PHA including acting as the Facilitator and Scribe.
- Prepared specifications for the APC control technology and the major components in the vent collection system including detonation and flame arrestors.
- Assisted the client with evaluation and review of the control technology vendor and then provided technical oversight of the vendor throughout design, procurement, fabrication, installation, and startup of the system.
- Prepared detailed descriptions of process controls and interlocks so that the distributed control system could be correctly programmed.
- Prepared an Operations and Maintenance manual for the vent collection and treatment system. This manual included the MACT required Startup, Shutdown, & Malfunction Plan.